Tiling Work Showcase forum for all forum members whether DIY or professional tiler, to upload their work in before/after type photos or just the finished job, we don’t mind.
This is a very good way for a new tiler to get his business listed on a forum that has a lot of traffic coming from potential customers and even contractors looking for subbie tilers.
Get each of your best jobs uploaded as and when you do them, it’ll pay dividends down the road.
A new thread for each job is wise so we can discuss them individually. Here are a bunch of them we’ve made already:-
- My latest project. 20mm limestone, 600 x various lengths over 76sqm. Check it out on my Facebook business page. Se connecter à Facebook Connectez-vous à Facebook pour commencer à partager et communiquer avec vos amis, votre famille et les personnes que vous connaissez. www.facebook.com
- Domestic pool for Whitewaters end of last year. Inside shell and copings only!
- Biggest splashback I've ever done, and in unrectified, rustic 10x10s!
- If you mean face book Dan I'm not on it but heard a floor I did last month
- I spend some time in doorways. TJ's Doorway Mosaics for McKenzie Shop Front
- ‘OLD VICARAGE’ on North Yorkshire Moors.
- Edit May 2024: THIS is a New Show Us Your Work Thread for 2024 Onwards This is the new Tilers Showcase Forum where we want new tiling work added… Read more
Head to the TilersForums Tilers Work Showcase forum to add your own thread for your tiling job.
Check out https://UKTilingForum.co.uk/ today to find tiling tips and all sorts.