DIY Tiling Advice Forum

DIY Tiling Forum

This is the DIY Tiling Advice Forum for Do-it-Yourself Tile Fixers across the country. Find fast free DIY tiling advice on Tilers Forums today for free.

  • First things first: Wall tile, Porcelain (Top Cer) My house is a stable 20°C (new build UFH) I followed the instructions 5:1 and then wash tiles with a (very lightly damp) sponge when grout… Read more
  • Hi, does a decoupling mat need to be sealed? Do I seal nothing, kitchen area only or all of it? Cheers!
  • Please can you help i have just had my bathroom done. I bought Ardex coloured silver shimmer Silicon to match grout. The residue from Silicon has stained tiles. I have tried: White spirit… Read more
  • I'm just wondering how to tile round an internal corner in terms of how to butt the tiles up to the wall. As they say, a picture says a thousand words, so should I go for A or B… Read more
  • Hi Im looking for some suggestions/advice on how to tile a wall outer corner with the following border tile, images attached below. Can anyone recommend the best finish for these? Thanks… Read more
  • Hi guys, had some great advice here before so thought I would ask here for advice again regarding porcelain patio instalation on (fairly flat) concrete substrate. Tiles are 90 cm x 60 cm and 2 cm… Read more
  • I'm planning on tiling my porch, and the tiles and adhesive will take up around 13mm of height. The porch is currently back to the concrete slab, which is around 70mm below finished floor… Read more
  • I hope you can help we are trying to source (for a match) some 300mm by 300mm matte white taco tiles with a black insert. We are finding this hard as a lot of the websites we find seem to have… Read more
  • Hi – I ripped up laminate flooring on a concrete subfloor. It was my first DIY project and instead of using mortar to even out any glue that was stuck on or sand off, I used a thin layer of self… Read more
  • Beginner DIY Tiler, I'm contemplating drilling (with ceramic tile carbide tipped drill bits) then using a hand saw with tungsten blade to cut the required piece out. Would this work okay? I… Read more
  • Hi, Looking for advice mainly on how much adhesive I should remove from between the tiles in a shower before grouting. I stupidly didn't remove a lot of it before it thoroughly dried, and while… Read more
  • Most tutorials suggest 'pushing firmly'. How do you know how firmly, and how can you ensure that each tile is 'equally' pushed into adhesive, ensuring it's level?
  • How do you know when you need a new scoring wheel on a manual (Rubi) tile cutter? Is there anyway to know before tiles aren’t snapping cleanly?
  • Hey All, So we're in the midst of a project and it's been interesting. Is there a type of edging that can be used to "hide" and/or protect the edges of the tile that are protruding? While…​ Read more
  • Hello, after watching so many instructional videos and planing, I just can't understand how to tile a simple drywall construction in our bathroom. I got some good advice here so I hope you guys… Read more
  • So probably a basic question but this is my first attempt at tiling and want to get it absolutely right. If I start with a full tile from the upstands, there are several sockets which would be in… Read more
  • As stated we love seeing your DIY stuff! Take a couple of photos and show off your project here!!! I'll go first with my dad's handiwork tiling the bathroom!
  • Hi, super basic question, Okay to prime standard multifinish surface and left to dry the day before tiler comes, with Bond It SBR Admixture 1:1 with water? SBR Admixture A styrene butadiene… Read more
  • Hi! I'm having a new extension built on my house. In fact, I've spent today putting in the CAT6 ethernet network (cables and conduit) and bashing through the old gable wall to join the two… Read more
  • I am about to embark on tiling my bathroom floor and looking for a bit of advice. I have tiled a couple of floors before but always onto concrete and have gathered that upstairs floors need some… Read more

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