It appears the other UK Tiling Forum is using a Free WordPress (that’s fine) but they went for wpForo instead of bridging with invision power boards or phpBB which would have given them a lot more control over their pages and SEO.
Meanwhile; Tilers Forums is about to hit 1 million posts! Well done TF members!
The first tile blog was John Bridge forum. The second was which I created whilst I worked on opening the UK’s first private tiling training centre, Professional Independent Training Techniques. It was to help direct new tile installation trainees share their knowledge of being new to the tile industry and new to installing wall and floor tiles, professionally. It didn’t grow to anything more than a few hundred not-very-active members.
Our UK Tiling Forum Quickly Became Massive!
Then there was Tilers Forums UK. This is still the biggest tile forum online and no competitor comes close to the advice provided over the years. This has recently been switched to a .com domain and is still growing in international ranking positions, whilst still holding the most and the best search engine ranking positions (SERPs).
Many Helpful UK Tiling Forum Advice Websites Now Online
I’ve spread our entrance pages over several websites and they also offer other content from within the tile industry too. From YouTube tiling videos to how to find a good local tiler for free, and everything in between.

Frequently Asked Questions
Tiling Advice: Where do you start when tiling a bathroom wall?
You would start in the centre. Find your centre line but horizontal and vertical. Then use that and a tile staff to help make you be able see the tiles on the wall, in your imagination. And the key then is moving the setting out up and down, left and right, so that you end up with NO small cuts around the window, door, internal or external corners etc. Once you’re happy, use a level to prop the first bottom row on and keep the level level with lose tiles under it.